

This section contains basic usability standards and guidelines that should inform any user-interface design whether it’s a website or an application.

  • Browsers & OS Support

    Web sites and web applications developed at UFT should work in the following operating systems and browsers: Operating Systems Listed…

  • Modern Web Standards

    HTML & CSS Standards

    The use of modern HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript standards is highly encouraged because it helps “future-proof” applications and make updates…

  • Different devices

    Responsive Design

    Responsive design is the idea that one site design should be able to accommodate the increasing number of devices and…

  • Heuristics

    Usability Heuristics

    Usability guru Jacob Nielsen defined the 10 most general principles for user interface design, called “heuristics” because they’re more rules…

  • Websites vs. Web Applications

    UFT Web Sites and Web Applications should have the same look & feel. The differences between a web site and…