Testimonials (#unionproud) Site Publishing Guide


Access the UFT’s photo account:

To access content from the UFT’s photo account, please contact Mike Loverde at mloverde@uft.org.

Create new story

General Process

  1. Email from Deidre initiates process
  2. Select and edit photo/s (see details below)
  3. Decide on day/date to post story
  4. Log on to Exposure > select “Create new story”
  5. Prepare story for publishing (see details below)
  6. Preview story
  7. Publish story

Select and edit a cover photo and any additional story photos

Preparing a story

Set title, subtitle, categories, and footnote

  • Title: Title of story is the name of individual giving the testimonial. Use title-case, not all caps.
  • Subtitle: Subtitle is usually a snippet of the compelling starter of story in quotes, often just the first 1-2 sentences, ending with ellipses and wrapped in quotations — e.g. “Throughout my long wait for a lung transplant and my continuing struggle with scleroderma, an autoimmune disease that forced me to retire, the UFT has given me nonstop care and support…”
  • Categories: Select categories. For previous #UnionProud posts, the following categories were selected:
    • Community
    • Cause
    • My Work
  • Footnote: Include photo credit in footnote — e.g. “Photo by Jonathan Fickies”.
  • Add a cover photo: Drag and drop or click to upload selected cover photo.
    • Add story as a ‘Text-only group’
    • Add a text-only group.
    • ‘GROUP TITLE’ will be the byline for the story. Story is by the person giving the testimonial — e.g. “By Michael Solo”
    • At end of story, add italicized mini-bio of person giving testimonial. E.g. “Michelle Fargnoli is a teacher at PS 811 in the Bronx.”

Update ‘Options’

  • Select “Hide avatars
  • Select “Show call to action button
    • Add button label “Share your story”
    • Add button URL (URL to come)
  • Add ‘Description’: this sets the appropriate meta data on the page that will be pulled into Facebook posts.

Documentation and Support

  • Documentation: http://support.exposure.co/
  • For questions/issues, email: support@exposure.co. Their normal support hours are Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm Pacific Time. They are a small team, and they try to answer all emails within 24 hours, but sometimes it can take a bit longer. (For urgent matters, they will try to respond as quickly as possible.)
  • To speed things up, remember to include your Exposure username or full Exposure URL (e.g. https://yourname.exposure.co).
  • If this is a billing question, make sure to have the card type and last 4 digits handy.