

The UFT colors should be consistent throughout any UFT-branded website. New colors should not be applied to main elements such as the header, footer or text elements. “UFT Blue” is the hex color #124ec2. Please contact the Graphics Department for print standards.

UFT Blue: #124ec2; RGB(18,78,194)
UFT Dark-Blue: #032e82; RGB(3,46,130)
Border Red: #e93836; RBG(233,56,54)
Border Orange: #f59235; RGB(245,146,53)
Border Purple: #993398; RGB(153,51,152)
Border Green: #28a631; RGB(40,166,49)
Purple hover (for buttons): #732672; RGB(115,38,114)
Dark Grey (text): #373737; RGB(55,55,55)