Browsers & OS Support

Web sites and web applications developed at UFT should work in the following operating systems and browsers:

Operating Systems

Listed are the most common operating systems used by the majority of people. Every public-facing website and application must work in them.

  • iOS
    iOS powers all of Apple’s mobile devices on both iPhones and iPads. Everything should be tested on both devices.
  • Microsoft Windows (versions 10 and 7)
    Windows 11 is latest version of Microsoft’s Desktop OS. All sites and applications MUST work in Windows 10 and 11.
  • Android
    The Android OS was developed by Google. It powers most non-Apple mobile devices.
  • Mac OS X
    Mac OS X is Apple’s OS included on every Mac sold.


  • Google Chrome
    This is Google’s home-baked browser. Most of Chrome’s source code comes from Google’s free and open-source software project Chromium, but Chrome is licensed as proprietary freeware. Apple’s WebKit was the original rendering engine, but Google eventually forked it to create the Blink engine; all Chrome variants except iOS now use Blink. It’s become the de-facto standard browser on Windows desktops and Android smart Phones. All web applications and sites should work in it.
  • Apple Safari
    Apple’s built in browser has a large user base and its rendering engine is present on every iPhone and iPad in existence. When designing web applications for public consumption, Safari should be tested as the public is very likely to be using Macs and even more likely to be accessing the web via an i-Device.
  • Firefox
    Firefox is a widely used browser and a common alternative to the big two. All applications and sites must work in it.
  • Edge (Chromium)
    This is Microsoft’s latest version of it’s homegrown browser based on Google’s Chromium engine. This should make development easier going forward.
  • Edge Legacy or Internet Explorer
    Microsoft’s now-discontinued legacy browsers.

Source: StatCounter Global Stats – OS Market Share

Source: StatCounter Global Stats – Browser Market Share